Media Manager status code 10 (Invalid Barcode)

Media Manager status code 10
Message: invalid barcode

Explanation: When a process performed a media-related operation, it encountered
an unknown, missing, or incompatible barcode.

Recommended Action:
■ Examine command output, debug logs, and system logs for a more detailed
message on the error.
See "Setting Media Manager debug logging to a higher level" in the NetBackup
Logging Reference Guide.
■ Ensure that the barcode, where requested, is not blank.
■ Ensure that the specified barcodes contain valid characters only: Alphanumeric
characters, and the period (.), plus sign (+), and underscore (_). A hyphen (-)
is also a valid character when not the first character in the media ID.
■ Ensure that the number of characters in the barcode does not exceed the
maximum that is allowed for the robot type.
■ Ensure that the barcode tag in all barcode rules is a subset of a valid, supported
barcode format.

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Labels: MediaManagerStatus

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