Veritas Netbackup Status Code Related to Hadoop

Backup operation fails with error 6599, 6609,6618,6647,6654,8857,6617 and 6616

The Hadoop data can be protected by Veritas Netbackup by using the NetBackup Parallel Streaming Framework (PSF). With PSF, The data is backed up in parallel streams wherein the DataNodes stream data blocks simultaneously to multiple backup hosts. The job processing is accelerated due to multiple backup hosts and parallel streams. By the Netbackup, the Hadoop data will be Backup, Archive, and Restore console to manage backup operations as the same as other data.


In the Hadoop data backup operation, sometimes we will be facing the situation where the job is not running properly, as an administrator we have to mitigate these issue as soon as possible. Fortunately, Veritas has been categorizing the error code or status code related to Hadoop issue in backup operation. Here is the Netbackup Status Code related to Hadoop :

Backup operation for Hadoop fails with error code 6599
This error is encountered in the following scenarios:

  • Backup operation for Hadoop fails if the directory or folder which is used as a
    backup selection when you define BigData policy with Application_Type=hadoop contains a space or comma in its name.
    Workaround: When you define backup selection list for BigData policy with Application_Type=hadoop, do not use comma or space for folder names.

  • Backup host has invalid Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) in case of Kerberos enabled Hadoop cluster. Workaround: Renew the TGT.
Backup operation fails with error 6609
This error is encountered during the following scenarios:

  • The Hadoop plug-in files are deleted or missing from any of the backup hosts (single or multiple). Workaround: Download and install the Hadoop plug-in.
  • The Application_Type details are incorrect.
    Workaround: Use hadoop instead of Hadoop while specifying Application_Type.

Backup operation failed with error 6618
Backup operation failed with error 6618 wherein the following error is displayed:
NetBackup cannot find the file to complete the operation.(6618). This error is encountered if you have provided an invalid directory as backup selection.
Provide a valid directory as backup selection in the BigData policy.

Backup operation fails with error 6647
Backup operation fails with error 6647 wherein the following error is displayed:
Unable to create or access a directory or a path. (6647)
This error is encountered in one of the following scenarios:

  • Directory is not snapshot-enabled.
  • Policy is configured to take snapshot of the root folder as backup selection, whereas one of the child folder is already snapshot-enabled.
  • Policy is configured to take snapshot of a child folder as backup selection, whereas one of the parent folder is already snapshot-enabled.
  • Policy is configured to take snapshot of a file as backup selection
Nested snapshot-enabled directories are not allowed in Hadoop. If the parent directory is already a snapshot-enabled, than any other child directory under the parent directory cannot be enabled for snapshot. For backup selection in Bigdata policy type, only snapshot-enabled directory must be selected for backup and any other child directories must not be selected.

Backup operation fails with error 6654

This error is encountered during the following scenarios:
  • If Hadoop credentials are not added in NetBackup master server
    Ensure that the Hadoop credentials are added in NetBackup master server. Use the tpconfig command.
  • If Hadoop plug-in files are not installed on backup host.
    Workaround: Ensure that the Hadoop plug-in files are installed on all backup hosts before you begin backup operation.
Backup operation fails with bpbrm error 8857
This error is encountered if you have not whitelisted NetBackup client on NetBackup
master server.
You must perform the whitelisting procedure on NetBackup master server if you
want to use the NetBackup client as the backup host. 

Backup operation fails with error 6617
Backup operation failed with error 6617 wherein the following error is displayed:
A system call failed. Verify that the backup host has valid Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) in case of
Kerberos enabled Hadoop cluster.
Renew the TGT.

Backup operation fails with error 6616
Backup operation fails with error 6616 wherein the following error is logged:
hadoopOpenConfig: Failed to Create Json Object From Config File.
Verify the hadoop.conf file to ensure that blank values or incorrect syntax is not
used with the parameter values.


Source: Veritas Netbackup for Hadoop Administrator's Guide
Labels: StatusCode

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