Veritas NetBackup for Oracle

VERITAS NetBackup is an enterprise backup and recovery solution that provides highly scalable support for a wide variety of servers and clients, together with extensive media management capabilities. NetBackup supports all leading tape vaults and optical disk libraries, and incorporates years of expertise in managing distributed backups, securely and safely, for optimal performance.
As an Oracle Backup Solutions Partner, VERITAS has created database-specific support for Oracle databases using Oracle-supplied interfaces. NetBackup for Oracle is tightly integrated with Oracle’s Recovery Manager (RMAN) product for Oracle 8.x, and the Enterprise Backup Utility (EBU) for Oracle 7.x databases. These interfaces, created and supported by Oracle Corporation, manage the basic backup and recovery operations, packaging much of the work that the DBA previously performed manually. The NetBackup server manages backup policies and schedules, and communicates with the storagemedia.
A single NetBackup server can manage multiple Oracle database backups, providing centralized storage management and leveraging high speed or high capacity storage devices. This solution combines both storage management and Oracle expertise to improve the availability, manageability and reliability of Oracle data and servers.

Improving the Availability of Oracle Databases
VERITAS NetBackup for Oracle is a flexible and scalable solution for enterprise database backups. Whether used for a small, critical database or a number of large databases, NetBackup gives DBAs the tools to protect both the data itself and the availability of the database applications.
Netbackup optimizes database availability in two important ways. Superior backup performance and hot backup support minimizes the impact of backups on production systems. Fast data restoration and simplified recovery brings databases back online faster after failures.

Hot backup support
VERITAS NetBackup supports any combination of cold or hot backups, so DBAs can create the backup schedules that best suit their needs and adjust those schedules as the database grows.
Through its integration with Oracle RMAN (or EBU for Oracle 7.x), NetBackup for Oracle simplifies the process of making and maintaining hot backups. It manages the processes of altering the database state for backups, backing up all of the appropriate files and archived redo logs, and tracking all of the backup information needed for a fast and accurate recovery.

Oracle incremental backups
RMAN supports incremental backups, in which only changed data is written to the backup. During an Oracle incremental backup, RMAN scans the database for changed database blocks. However, with the NetBackup Block Level Incremental Backup Extension, NetBackup for Oracle supports an additional kind of incremental backup. NetBackup can write only the changed file system blocks. This kind of backup typically writes smaller block sizes, and does not require scanning the database.

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Labels: Inside Veritas Netbackup(tm), Techno

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