How To Create Backup Policy Using Netbackup10.0.x For One month

This is only a sample on creating backup policy on  Netbackup during one month.

To create a backup policy for one month using Veritas NetBackup 10.1.x, you would follow these steps:

  1. Start the NetBackup Administration Console: Open the NetBackup Administration Console on your computer and log in using your administrator credentials.

  2. Define the Backup Policy: In the NetBackup Administration Console, navigate to the Policies section, right-click on the Policies folder and select New > Policy. Give the policy a name, such as "Monthly Backup Policy" and select a Backup Schedule that best fits your needs.

  3. Select the Clients: In the Clients section, select the clients you want to be included in the backup policy. You can select multiple clients by holding down the Control (Ctrl) key while clicking on the clients.

  4. Select the Backup Types: In the Backup Types section, select the types of backups you want to perform. For a monthly backup, a Full Backup is typically the most appropriate choice.

  5. Select the Backup Selections: In the Backup Selections section, select the files and folders you want to include in the backup. You can include specific files, folders, or entire file systems.

  6. Configure the Retention Settings: In the Retention section, configure the settings for how long you want the backup data to be stored. For a monthly backup, a retention of 30 days is typical.

  7. Save and Apply the Policy: Once you have completed the policy, click on the Save button to save the policy. Then, right-click on the policy and select Apply.

  8. Monitor the Backup Job: Monitor the backup job to ensure it runs successfully. You can view the status of the job in the Jobs section of the NetBackup Administration Console.

By following these steps, you can create a backup policy for one month using Veritas NetBackup 10.1.x. It is important to regularly test your backups and ensure that you can recover data in the event of a disaster.

Labels: HowTo, Netbackup

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